Avec une fascination pour le corps, Rein Vollenga, artiste sculpteur Néerlandais basé à Berlin combine son attirance pour l'esthétique africaine avec des formes futuristes. Sa série de sculptures "wearable" -autrement dit : sculptures qui peuvent être portées- renvoie à des formes animales qui, adaptées sur l'homme produisent un effet assez trash. Quelques unes de ses pièces ont été portées lors du défilé de la marque KTZ à la fashion week de Londres le 15 février dernier. Je vous conseille d'aller faire un tour sur son site web et son blog, tout aussi surprenants ! Détails dans la suite. 

"In a way, my work looks so artificial and very futuristic it totally does relate. On the other hand, my work is actually very traditional; I’m really a big fan of making every piece by hand. I also aim for every piece of my work to be a one off; I don’t reproduce anything. One reason is because I think it’s really boring to do that, and another reason is that I like to review myself all the time. I also think that it benefits the piece itself when it exists alone and is the only one on earth, it makes it more special. Art wise, I’m a big fan of primitive art and African art and the more traditional ways of making art. Technology wise, there are so many ways of making art that it’s kind of inspiring but on the flip side it’s uninspiring because everything that gets produced that way emerges in the mass cultures. What’s Contemporary to me is the idea of going back to the roots and working again more with our hands. It leaves you with much more of a feeling of devotion."

KTZ London Fashion Week show: KTZ AW 2013 Collection

KTZ London Fashion Week show: KTZ AW 2013 Collection